New York in Pictures: Day 4

18 April 2016

New York in Pictures by What Laura did Next
Day 4 in NYC got a little touristy.

It was Easter Sunday so a fair few shops were closed for the day. After a bit of a lie in we headed off to Chelsea Market in search of food.

and boy, was there a lot of food to choose from.

A couple of things caught our eyes and rumbling stomachs, both at the same place and totally naughty....
New York in Pictures by What Laura did Next
Yep, those bad boys are deep fried Oreos washed down with a chocolate peanut butter milkshake.

hfskhkfnbvoxij (wiping dribble off the keyboard)

It's safe to say I definitely came back to the UK a few pounds heavier!

We then waddled our way down to the Whitney for a little culture

Aside from a beautiful Jackson Pollock painting, the Whitney was a tad disappointing if I'm honest!
New York in Pictures by What Laura did Next
Coat (sold out) // Dress // Bag // Boots

Then it was on to the main event....
New York in Pictures by What Laura did Next
Hello from the top of the One World Observatory!

We spent a good hour pointing out various landmarks, sending photos back home to our family and friends (yey to free wifi!) and taking in the leg-wobbling views.

I highly recommend it if you're planning a visit - the views are stunning.
New York in Pictures by What Laura did Next
It was then back down to earth and on to Wall Street which, as it was a Sunday was a total ghost town!
New York in Pictures by What Laura did Next 
In need of a refreshment, we hopped into a cab and headed back uptown for Mojito's at The Ace Hotel where we watched the world (and a couple of famous faces) walk by.
New York in Pictures by What Laura did Next
Then it was on to Times Square which we walked as quick as we could through, dodging the people dressed up as superheroes/muppets/babies and headed to Grand Central station to hunt down Oysters.
New York in Pictures by What Laura did Next
Which was sadly closed, but we settled for cocktails in The Campbell Apartment where I had a total Gossip Girl moment as it's used in a few episodes.

We grabbed some Mexican food before heading back to our hotels to rest our achey feet ready for our next day, which was to be our last.
New York in Pictures by What Laura did Next
Coming tomorrow!

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